
(812) 738-3235
(812) 738-7998
(812) 738-7256


(812) 738-1512


8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Monday - Friday


123 W Chestnut St.
Corydon, IN 47112

If You Smell Gas:

If you smell gas, leave the home or business immediately and call Indiana Utilities from another location.

(812) 738-3235 – Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm

(800) 589-8142 – After Hours (24/7)

If you have gas emergency or suspected leak, it is important to call Indiana Utilities immediately. Never email your emergency request. If you need to report an emergency situation such as a gas leak, fire, vehicle accident, electric contact/shock, damaged utility line or other potential danger please also call 911 to notify local authorities.

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